Murder Mysteries in Kansas City & Independence Missouri - What to Expect


We had our first Murder Mystery at Silver Heart Inn in September of 2013, and we have enjoyed apprehending over ninety perpetrators since then. It is so rewarding to see justice prevail each time! Here’s what you can expect if you attend a Murder Mystery at Silver Heart Inn, located just the outside Kansas City metro area.

Murder Mystery Themes

Murder Mystery Themes

Each Murder Mystery has a certain theme. The theme could be based on a holiday (such as St. Patrick’s Day or Halloween), a particular location (Hawaii, Florida, Kansas City?), or a mode of transportation (ocean cruise, train). It might take place in a historical period in the past. Dressing for the theme or the time period is a fun way to really enjoy the evening.

You Might Volunteer to be a Suspect

Most guests will be investigators, but a few brave souls may choose to take the part of suspects. A few days ahead of the event, each suspect will get special information about their character. None of the suspects are told who committed the murder, so everyone can help solve the case.

Click to see an example

When You Arrive

Upon arrival, dinner will be set up and ready in our spacious kitchen for buffet style service. After a delicious meal, all guests will receive background information on the murder and a list of the suspects. Each guest also receives a special clue that you may keep to yourself or share with others.

Meet the Suspects

Suspect Lineup

The evening usually starts with the introduction of the suspects. Each suspect has a prepared speech, and they read it directly from the script. There may be some key clues in the speeches, so listen carefully. If you are playing a suspect, the speech is an opportunity to make your character come alive. Remember, acting is good, but OVERacting is better!

Question Suspects

The investigators are split into teams, usually determined by seating. Throughout the rest of the night, each team is allowed to interrogate the suspects in groups of one to four. The suspects answer the questions according to the information they have been given. After about ten minutes, the suspects are rotated to another group. 

But Wait, There’s More…

Sometimes during the questioning, new information may come to light, such as the Coroner’s cause of death or evidence discovered at the scene.

Click to see an example

The Wrap-up

Justice is Served

At the end of questioning, the investigation teams try to figure which suspect had the motive, means and opportunity to commit the crime. They will ascertain why and how the victim was killed. Each team reports who they think is the guilty party to the others. The final solution is read and the perpetrator is handcuffed. Justice is served!


Once the crime is solved, recognition is given to teams that solved the crime. Then the guests vote by applause for the best costume.

Join Us in the Fun

Our murder mysteries are a fun evening of entertainment and a keen test of your sleuthing skills, all with a delicious meal! If you think you’d like to participate, you can look over the schedule for our upcoming murder mysteries. Once you’ve picked your event, you can conveniently order tickets online, or by phone.

We look forward to serving you at a Kansas City area Murder Mystery soon!

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Dear guest, Silver Heart Inn will be closed from 9-15 July. We look forward to hosting you again soon. We will reach out to your inquiries after our brief reset.

The Ultimate List of Unique Things to Do in Kansas City this Summer, photo of our Kansas City bed and breakfast

Plan A Summer Vacation!

Much like you want to get away on a vacation, we are also taking one to recharge our batteries.  The Inn will be closed from 10-15 July 2024. 

Give The Gift of Silver Heart Inn This Christmas

Give your loved one a very special gift of a stay at Silver Heart Inn.  We offer gift certificates in many amounts.